I only got to know Elizabeth in the later part of her life. When visiting her we’d laugh a lot - usually at my expense! I always found her stories interesting and often remarkable.
She loved her sudoko and her quiz shows (as do I) but she was always too polite to leave Eggheads on when I’d arrive, even though I quite liked watching it too. I’d sometimes receive a frustrated phone call because her iPad wasn’t playing ball, so I’d nip over to try and fix it, always in awe of a 99 year old using a tablet for games, news and emails! I was often sent with a bunch of home grown flowers from Eilidh, which always made her week. I miss our chats and laughs but feel honoured to have been a part of her life in her last few years. I’m also very proud to say I was the one to knock Elizabeth off the wagon after many decades of no alcohol, we’d often have a glass of Baileys together, sometimes with ice sometimes without, depending on how busy the carers were.
Much love, Andrew xx
13th September 2021